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limited liability company 〔英國〕股份有限公司〔用在公司名字之后時,作 Limit...

limited policy

The change of a joint stock limited company to a limited liability company shall meet the conditions as prescribed in this law for limited liability companies 股份有限公司變更為有限責任公司,應當符合本法規定的有限責任公司的條件。

A state authorized investment entity or state authorized department may establish wholly state - owned limited liability companies as the sole investor 國家授權投資的機構或者國家授權的部門可以單獨投資設立國有獨資的有限責任公司。

Jv means name of joint venture company , the sino - foreign joint venture limited liability company formed by party a and party b pursuant to this contract 應合資公司的要求,為合資公司的外籍員工辦理入境簽證工作許可證及居留證等

Tongliao city hotels limited liability company chairman li jinbao , general manager , gong carry all the staff gracious welcome your presence 通遼市賓館有限責任公司董事長李金寶、總經理鞏偉攜全體員工竭誠歡迎您的光臨!

Where shares of stocks of a limited liability company are pledged , the relevant provisions of the company law governing the transfer of shares shall apply 以有限責任公司的股份出質的,適用公司法股份轉讓的有關規定。

Shareholders are the owners of the company , is limited to its investors held limited liability company , to take risks , and benefit - sharing 股東是公司的所有者,以其出資額為限對公司負有限責任,承擔風險,分享收益。

Article 9 the name of a limited liability company established in accordance herewith must contain the words “ limited liability company “ 第九條:依照本法設立的有限責任公司,必須在公司名稱中標明有限責任公司字樣。

In this paper , only china ' s “ company law “ in the transfer of a limited liability company shares some of the important issues to discuss 本文僅對我國《公司法》中有關有限責任公司股權轉讓的一些重要問題進行探討。

Article 8 the establishment of a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company is subject to the requirements prescribed herein 第八條:設立有限責任公司、股份有限公司,必須符合本法規定的條件。

China diego investment company registered in china tianjin sets investment , integrating the management of the limited liability company 華維斯特投資公司是在中國天津注冊的集投資、管理為一體的有限責任公司。

Article 45 a limited liability company shall have a board of directors , which shall be composed of not fewer than 3 but not more than 13 directors 第四十五條:有限責任公司設董事會,其成員為三人至十三人。

Article 72 all or some of the stock rights of the shareholders of a limited liability company may be transferred between the shareholders 第七十二條有限責任公司的股東之間可以相互轉讓其全部或者部分股權。

Article 59the minimum amount of registered capital of a one - person limited liability company shall be rmb 100 , 000 yuan 本法所稱一人有限責任公司,是指只有一個自然人股東或者一個法人股東的有限責任公司。

Article 20 a limited liability company shall be established through joint investment by not fewer than 2 but not more than 50 shareholders 第二十條:有限責任公司由二個以上五十個以下股東共同出資設立。

Goose seedlings have handles the insurance , the insurer is the china some property insurance limited liability company subsidiary company 鵝苗已辦理保險,承保人是中國某財產保險股份有限公司分公司。

Bo xin textiles is a professional limited liability company engaged in textile exports comprehensive export companies 博信紡織品有限責任公司是一家專業從事紡織品對外出口的綜合性紡織品出口公司。

The board of directors of any other limited liability company may also comprise the representatives of employees of the company concerned 其他有限責任公司董事會成員中也可以有公司職工代表。

It is based on the aggregation of capital and persons in the limited liability company ( referred to as the “ llc ” ) context 有限責任公司是由股東出資成立的以人合性為主并兼具資合性的公司。

Article 24 a limited liability company shall be established by not more than 50 shareholders that have made capital contributions 第二十四條有限責任公司由五十個以下股東出資設立。